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left: 613px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item.item-1 .lines .line:nth-child(15) .a { width: 429px; height: 342px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item.item-1 .lines .line:nth-child(15) .b { background-image: url(/img/20181225002352.png); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item.item-1 .lines .line:nth-child(16) { top: 229px; left: 475px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item.item-1 .lines .line:nth-child(16) .a { width: 1383px; height: 539px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item.item-1 .lines .line:nth-child(16) .b { background-image: url(/img/20181225002332.png); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item.item-1 .lines .line:nth-child(17) { top: 319px; left: 436px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item.item-1 .lines .line:nth-child(17) .a { width: 1198px; height: 449px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item.item-1 .lines .line:nth-child(17) .b { background-image: url(/img/20181225002329.png); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item.item-1 .lines .line:nth-child(18) { top: 520px; left: 1042px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item.item-1 .lines .line:nth-child(18) .a { width: 171px; height: 174px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item.item-1 .lines .line:nth-child(18) .b { background-image: url(/img/20181225002343.png); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item.item-1 .lines .line:nth-child(19) { top: 383px; left: 1207px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item.item-1 .lines .line:nth-child(19) .a { width: 262px; height: 165px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item.item-1 .lines .line:nth-child(19) .b { background-image: url(/img/20181225002341.png); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item .mask { width: 100vw; height: 100vh; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; z-index: 99; visibility: hidden; display: none; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-1 .words { width: 795px; height: 285px; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; z-index: 999; margin-left: calc(-795px / 2); margin-top: calc(-285px / 2); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-1 .words .bg-black-4 { position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: #000; opacity: 0.4; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-1 .words .c .a { text-align: center; 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height: 1000px; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 50%; margin-left: -960px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-2 .words { width: auto; height: auto; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; z-index: 9; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); text-align: right; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-2 .words p:nth-child(1) { font-size: 36px; color: #fff; text-shadow: 1px 1px 15px #333; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-2 .words p:nth-child(2) { font-size: 20px; color: #fff; margin-top: 15px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 15px #333; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-2 .content .l { position: absolute; opacity: 0; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-2 .content .l img { position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); margin-top: 11px; margin-left: 7px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-2 .content .l:nth-child(2) { top: 40px; left: 41px; opacity: 1; z-index: 2; width: 318px; height: 318px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-2 .content .l:nth-child(3) { top: 273px; left: 306px; opacity: 1; z-index: 1; width: 157px; 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left: 1166px; opacity: 1; z-index: 2; width: 87px; height: 87px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-2 .content .l:nth-child(12) { top: -104px; left: 1491px; opacity: 1; z-index: 2; width: 291px; height: 291px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-2 .content .l:nth-child(13) { top: 170px; left: 1375px; opacity: 1; z-index: 2; width: 189px; height: 189px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-2 .content .l:nth-child(14) { top: 441px; left: 1526px; opacity: 1; z-index: 2; width: 189px; height: 189px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-2 .content .l:nth-child(15) { top: 735px; left: 1239px; opacity: 1; z-index: 2; width: 139px; height: 139px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-2 .content .l:nth-child(16) { top: 664px; left: 1349px; opacity: 1; z-index: 1; width: 116px; height: 116px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-2 .content .l:nth-child(17) { top: 769px; left: 1526px; opacity: 1; z-index: 1; width: 189px; height: 189px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-3 .content { width: 502px !important; height: 467px; background-color: #CADA43; position: absolute; top: 120px; right: 100px; z-index: 99; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-3 .content:before { content: ""; display: block; width: 134px; height: 154px; background: url(/img/20181226231027.png) top left no-repeat; position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 200px; animation: w-ani-rotate-y 5s infinite; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-3 .content:after { content: ""; display: block; width: 37px; height: 386px; background: url(/img/20181226231351.png) top left no-repeat; position: absolute; top: 20px; right: 20px; } @keyframes w-ani-rotate-y { from { transform: rotateY(0deg); } to { transform: rotateY(1turn); } } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-3 .content .w1 { font-size: 48px; color: #fff; margin-top: 156px; margin-left: 40px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-3 .content .w2 { font-size: 18px; color: #fff; width: 280px; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 40px; line-height: 1.4em; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 { background-color: #CADA43; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content { width: 1920px !important; height: 1000px; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 50%; margin-left: -960px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l { width: 760px; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; -webkit-mask-image: url(/img/20181226232136.png); mask-image: url(/img/20181226232136.png); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div { animation: w-ani-rotateY 2s linear infinite; animation-direction: alternate-reverse; } @keyframes w-ani-rotateY { 0% { transform: rotateY(360deg) translateX(10px); } 60% { transform: rotateY(0deg) translateX(0px); } 100% { transform: rotateY(0deg) translateX(0px); } } @keyframes w-ani-translateY { from { transform: translateY(-5px); } to { transform: translateY(0px); } } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c { width: 1000vw; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l div.c div { float: left; height: 1000px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url(/img/20181226085029.jpg); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(1) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 0) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(2) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 1) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(3) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 2) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(4) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 3) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(5) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 4) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(6) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 5) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(7) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 6) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(8) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 7) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(9) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 8) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(10) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 9) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(11) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 10) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(12) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 11) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(13) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 12) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(14) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 13) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(15) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 14) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(16) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 15) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(17) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 16) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(18) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 17) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(19) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 18) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(20) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 19) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(21) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 20) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(22) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 21) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(23) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 22) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(24) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 23) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(25) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 24) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(26) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 25) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(27) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 26) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(28) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 27) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(29) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 28) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(30) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 29) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(31) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 30) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(32) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 31) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(33) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 32) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(34) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 33) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(35) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 34) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(36) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 35) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(37) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 36) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(38) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 37) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(39) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 38) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(40) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 39) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(41) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 40) 0px; 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} .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(50) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 49) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(51) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 50) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(52) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 51) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(53) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 52) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(54) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 53) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(55) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 54) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(56) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 55) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(57) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 56) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(58) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 57) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(59) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 58) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(60) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 59) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(61) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 60) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(62) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 61) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(63) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 62) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(64) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 63) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(65) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 64) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(66) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 65) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(67) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 66) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(68) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 67) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(69) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 68) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(70) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 69) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(71) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 70) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(72) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 71) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(73) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 72) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(74) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 73) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(75) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 74) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(76) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 75) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(77) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 76) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(78) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 77) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(79) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 78) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(80) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 79) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(81) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 80) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(82) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 81) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(83) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 82) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(84) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 83) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(85) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 84) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(86) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 85) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(87) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 86) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(88) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 87) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(89) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 88) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(90) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 89) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(91) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 90) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(92) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 91) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(93) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 92) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(94) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 93) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(95) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 94) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(96) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 95) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(97) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 96) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(98) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 97) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(99) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 98) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l .c div:nth-child(100) { width: 10px; background-position: calc(-10px * 99) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(1) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*1s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(2) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*2s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(3) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*3s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(4) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*4s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(5) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*5s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(6) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*6s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(7) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*7s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(8) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*8s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(9) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*9s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(10) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*10s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(11) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*11s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(12) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*12s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(13) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*13s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(14) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*14s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(15) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*15s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(16) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*16s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(17) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*17s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(18) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*18s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(19) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*19s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(20) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*20s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(21) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*21s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(22) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*22s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(23) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*23s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(24) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*24s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(25) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*25s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(26) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*26s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(27) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*27s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(28) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*28s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(29) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*29s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(30) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*30s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(31) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*31s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(32) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*32s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(33) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*33s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(34) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*34s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(35) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*35s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(36) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*36s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(37) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*37s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(38) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*38s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(39) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*39s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(40) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*40s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(41) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*41s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(42) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*42s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(43) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*43s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(44) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*44s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(45) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*45s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-l.current .c div:nth-child(46) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*46s); 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background-position: calc(-20px * 24) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(26) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 25) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(27) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 26) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(28) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 27) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(29) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 28) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(30) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 29) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(31) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 30) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(32) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 31) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(33) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 32) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(34) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 33) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(35) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 34) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(36) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 35) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(37) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 36) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(38) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 37) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(39) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 38) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(40) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 39) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(41) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 40) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(42) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 41) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(43) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 42) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(44) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 43) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(45) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 44) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(46) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 45) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(47) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 46) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(48) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 47) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(49) { width: 20px; 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background-position: calc(-20px * 56) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(58) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 57) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(59) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 58) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(60) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 59) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(61) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 60) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(62) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 61) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(63) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 62) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(64) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 63) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(65) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 64) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(66) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 65) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(67) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 66) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(68) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 67) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(69) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 68) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(70) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 69) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(71) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 70) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(72) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 71) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(73) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 72) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(74) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 73) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(75) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 74) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(76) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 75) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(77) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 76) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(78) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 77) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(79) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 78) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(80) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 79) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(81) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 80) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(82) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 81) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(83) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 82) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(84) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 83) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(85) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 84) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(86) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 85) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(87) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 86) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(88) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 87) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(89) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 88) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(90) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 89) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(91) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 90) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(92) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 91) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(93) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 92) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(94) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 93) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(95) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 94) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(96) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 95) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(97) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 96) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(98) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 97) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(99) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 98) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m .c div:nth-child(100) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 99) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(1) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*1s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(2) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*2s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(3) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*3s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(4) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*4s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(5) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*5s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(6) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*6s); 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} .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(17) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*17s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(18) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*18s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(19) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*19s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(20) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*20s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(21) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*21s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(22) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*22s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(23) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*23s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(24) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*24s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(25) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*25s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(26) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*26s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(27) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*27s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(28) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*28s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(29) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*29s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(30) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*30s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(31) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*31s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(32) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*32s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(33) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*33s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(34) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*34s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(35) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*35s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(36) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*36s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(37) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*37s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(38) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*38s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(39) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*39s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(40) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*40s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(41) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*41s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(42) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*42s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(43) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*43s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(44) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*44s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(45) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*45s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(46) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*46s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(47) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*47s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(48) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*48s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(49) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*49s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(50) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*50s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(51) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*51s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(52) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*52s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(53) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*53s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(54) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*54s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(55) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*55s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(56) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*56s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(57) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*57s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(58) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*58s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(59) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*59s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(60) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*60s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(61) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*61s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(62) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*62s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(63) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*63s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(64) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*64s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(65) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*65s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(66) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*66s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(67) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*67s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(68) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*68s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(69) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*69s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(70) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*70s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(71) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*71s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(72) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*72s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(73) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*73s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(74) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*74s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(75) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*75s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(76) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*76s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(77) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*77s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(78) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*78s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(79) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*79s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(80) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*80s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(81) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*81s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(82) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*82s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(83) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*83s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(84) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*84s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(85) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*85s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(86) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*86s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(87) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*87s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(88) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*88s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(89) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*89s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(90) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*90s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(91) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*91s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(92) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*92s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(93) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*93s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(94) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*94s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(95) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*95s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(96) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*96s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(97) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*97s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(98) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*98s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(99) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*99s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div:nth-child(100) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*100s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-m.current .c div { animation: w-ani-rotateY 2s linear infinite; animation-direction: alternate-reverse; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r { width: 876px; position: absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px; -webkit-mask-image: url(/img/20181226232202.png); mask-image: url(/img/20181226232202.png); z-index: 2; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r div.c div { float: left; height: 1000px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url(/img/20181226085151.jpg); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(1) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 0) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(2) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 1) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(3) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 2) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(4) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 3) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(5) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 4) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(6) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 5) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(7) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 6) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(8) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 7) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(9) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 8) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(10) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 9) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(11) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 10) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(12) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 11) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(13) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 12) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(14) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 13) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(15) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 14) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(16) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 15) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(17) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 16) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(18) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 17) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(19) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 18) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(20) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 19) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(21) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 20) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(22) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 21) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(23) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 22) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(24) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 23) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(25) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 24) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(26) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 25) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(27) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 26) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(28) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 27) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(29) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 28) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(30) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 29) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(31) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 30) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(32) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 31) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(33) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 32) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(34) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 33) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(35) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 34) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(36) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 35) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(37) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 36) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(38) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 37) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(39) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 38) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(40) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 39) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(41) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 40) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(42) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 41) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(43) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 42) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(44) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 43) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(45) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 44) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(46) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 45) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(47) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 46) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(48) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 47) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(49) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 48) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(50) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 49) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(51) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 50) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(52) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 51) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(53) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 52) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(54) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 53) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(55) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 54) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(56) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 55) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(57) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 56) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(58) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 57) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(59) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 58) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(60) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 59) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(61) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 60) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(62) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 61) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(63) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 62) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(64) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 63) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(65) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 64) 0px; 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} .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(82) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 81) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(83) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 82) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(84) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 83) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(85) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 84) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(86) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 85) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(87) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 86) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(88) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 87) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(89) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 88) 0px; 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} .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(98) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 97) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(99) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 98) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r .c div:nth-child(100) { width: 20px; background-position: calc(-20px * 99) 0px; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r.current .c div { animation: w-ani-rotateY 2s linear infinite; animation-direction: alternate-reverse; } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r.current .c div:nth-child(1) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*0s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r.current .c div:nth-child(2) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*1s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r.current .c div:nth-child(3) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*2s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r.current .c div:nth-child(4) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*3s); } .wd .w-index-advantage .item-4 .content .w-r.current .c div:nth-child(5) { animation-delay: calc(0.01*4s); 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bottom: 0px; right: 0px; width: auto; height: auto; z-index: 50; animation: w-index-contact-b1-ani 10s linear infinite; animation-direction: alternate-reverse; } @keyframes w-index-contact-b1-ani { from { left: 0px; } to { left: calc(100vw - 3275px); } } #w-contact .b2 { position: absolute; bottom: 0px; right: 0px; width: auto; height: auto; animation: w-index-contact-b2-ani 20s linear infinite; animation-direction: alternate-reverse; } @keyframes w-index-contact-b2-ani { from { left: 0px; } to { left: calc(100vw - 3525px); } } .wd #w-footer .wrapper { width: 1500px; margin: auto; position: relative; padding-top: 60px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-bottom: 30px; padding-left: 260px; } .wd #w-footer .wrapper .w-left { position: absolute; top: 38px; left: 0; } .wd #w-footer .wrapper .w-left a:nth-child(1) { margin-bottom: 23px; } .wd #w-footer .wrapper .w-left a { display: block; } .wd #w-footer .wrapper .w-left a:nth-child(2), .wd #w-footer .wrapper .w-left a:nth-child(3) { width: 193px; 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display: block; position: absolute; width: 7px; height: 2px; background-color: #fff; top: -1px; left: 230px; transition: 1s; } .w--more:hover:before { left: 50px; } .w--more:hover:after { left: 70px; } .w--more span { font-size: 14px; color: #555; } .resetHtmlCssStyle p { font-size: 14px; color: #333; line-height: 28px; margin-bottom: 7px; } .w-auto-height { /* height:auto !important; */ } .wd #w_wbox-1509346924929 { transform: none !important; margin-left: calc(-100vw / 2); transition: 1s; z-index: 9999999 !important; } .wd #w_wbox-1509346924929.w-hide { top: -100px; top: 0; } .wd #w_wbox-1509346924929 .p_wbox { transition: 1s; } .wd #w_wbox-1509346924929.w-small-nav .p_wbox { } .w-sub-contact { display: block; } .w-sub-contact div:nth-child(2) { margin-top: 50px; } .w-sub-contact p:nth-child(1) { font-size: 18px; line-height: 44px; background: linear-gradient(to right, #CADA43, #DFCE8E); background: #5FC2BF; max-width: 400px; border-radius: 50px; padding-left: 30px; color: #fff; margin-bottom: 15px; transition: 1s; } .w-sub-contact p:nth-child(1):hover { letter-spacing: 4px; } .w-sub-contact p:nth-child(1):before { content: ""; display: inline-block; width: 3px; height: 12px; position: relative; top: 1px; background-color: #fff; margin-right: 10px; animation: w-sub-contact-ani 3s infinite; } .w-sub-contact .right p:nth-child(1):before { animation-delay: .3s; } @keyframes w-sub-contact-ani { from { transform: rotate(180deg); } to { transform: rotate(-180deg); } } .w-sub-contact p a { color: #333 !important; } .w-sub-contact p a:hover { text-decoration: underline !important; } .w-sub-contact p:nth-child(1) ~ p { margin-left: 40px; } #w-index-aboutus { padding: 140px 0 0px; } #w-index-aboutus .w-title { position: relative; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 30px; } #w-index-aboutus .w-title span { font-size: 112px; color: #EEEEEE; } #w-index-aboutus .w-sub-title { width: 1083px; margin: auto; } #w-index-aboutus .w-list { width: 1136px; margin: auto; margin-top: 50px; } #w-index-aboutus .w-title p { position: absolute; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); text-align: center; width: 100%; font-size: 30px; color: #000; } #w-back-to-top { width: 100%; background-color: #8F949A; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; text-align: center; position: relative; cursor: pointer; } #w-back-to-top:before { content: ""; display: block; position: absolute; top: -20px; left: 50%; margin-left: -20px; border-left: 20px solid transparent; border-right: 20px solid transparent; border-bottom: 20px solid #8F949A; } #w-back-to-top:after { content: ""; display: block; position: absolute; width: 15px; height: 15px; top: -10px; left: 50%; margin-left: -7.5px; border-top: 1px solid #fff; border-right: 1px solid #fff; transform: rotate(-45deg); } #w-back-to-top span { font-size: 14px; color: #fff; } .w-float-service { position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 20px; z-index: 9999; background: url(/img/w_float_service.png) top left no-repeat; padding-top: 90px; } .w-float-service a { display: block; margin-bottom: 10px; } .wd-search { position: relative; 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